
Set the link in the Blog

Entrance Layout menu and then go to the Edit HTML and CSS Code look like under this

a:link {
a:visited {
a:hover {

So if you want to change I will explain below ..

a:link { <<<-- Active link color:#346ba4; <<<---- it is the color active link that has not been addressed any text-decoration:underline;
a:visited { <<-- If the link is opened / clicked color:#800000; <<<--- This link is the color if the URL has been visited text-decoration:underline;
a:hover { <<--If the link is located on the link pointer color:#56b9ff; <<<--- This is the color if this is a pointer directed at the link text-decoration:underline;

Replace the paper with a red color code that you like, for the color code you can find in here. Papers are printed in blue marks over underlined link you can not change with the change underlined
writing underline be none

If you want to link all your different with the other add CSS under this Code

#main .post-body a:link{
color:#346ba4; text-decoration:underline;
#main .post-body a:visited{
color:#800000; text-decoration:underline;
#main .post-body a:hover{
color:#56b9ff; text-decoration:none;

replace it with the designs you like the way over the last

If your image is also infected with the link and you also want to alter the display if pointer directed at the image Code add css below

a img{ border-width:0}
.post-body img{ margin:5px; border:1px solid #444}

If you manage to link up wrappers / link under the posting and also above the labels usually provide information, Comments, Author and other add css Code Below

#main-wrapper a:link{
color:#c13a10; text-decoration:none;
#main-wrapper a:visited{
color:#800000; text-decoration:none;
#main-wrapper a:hover{
color:#800000; text-decoration:underline;

So Full Display css If such Below

a:link {
color:#346ba4; text-decoration:none;
a:visited {
color:#800000; text-decoration:none;
a:hover {
color:#56b9ff; text-decoration:underline;
#main .post-body a:link{
color:#346ba4; text-decoration:underline;
#main .post-body a:visited{
color:#800000; text-decoration:underline;
#main .post-body a:hover{
color:#56b9ff; text-decoration:none;
a img{ border-width:0}
.post-body img{ margin:5px; border:1px solid #444
#main-wrapper a:link{
color:#c13a10; text-decoration:none;
#main-wrapper a:visited{
color:#800000; text-decoration:none;
#main-wrapper a:hover{
color:#800000; text-decoration:underline;

Please Set your own pace and according to your imagination

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