
Making link (2)

For your new Blogger users, there is a difference in making the link, please follow the following steps:

1. Log in with your ID bloggers

2. Click the Layout menu

3. Click the Page Elements

4. Click Add a Page Element

5. Click ADD TO BLOG on the menu Link List

6. Write the title of the link on the field in the form Title. Example in my blog is a "link partner" or it please you

7. Fill in the number of links you want in your blog indicators in the form Number of Links to show in the list, if you want to limit the number of links that will be in the show, if you do not want to limit the empty only please.

8. Sorting on the form, please select the sort you want to link ALPHABETICALLY when you sort by letter in the alphabet (from A -> Z), or select a sort revers ALPHABETICALLY if you want a link that you create in the sort of upside (from Z -- > A). If you do not want them, namely, the link that appears in accordance with which you make, please select Do not Sort

9. Write the address in the URL that will link in the form New Site URL. Example: http; / / column-tutorial.blogspot.com

10. Write the name of the paper or who want to appear on the link that you created in the form New Name site. example: Blog Tutorial.

11. Click the Add link, a link that if you make more than one. Please fill in all forms in accordance with the steps above.

12. Click Save changes when finished

13. If you want to place a link that you created earlier, please point your mouse to the link that you create a new, and press the mouse while on hold to move to where you want (in drag & drop).

14. Click SAVE. Done

Making a link from a picture or image

If you have a picture, and the image you want to make it in a link. So how as below:

1. Upload a picture that you have to save the image hosting site, for example http://www.photobucket.com.

2. If you upload your image, the image will be given a URL address, a copy of the address on the notepad. For example image blog chicklet tutorial in addition to having a URL address:


So if you want to create the image into a link, then write the code that is

<a href="http://blabla.blogspot.com"><img src="http://i162.photobucket.com

(code in one line)

if you want in a new window:

<a href="http://blablabla.blogspot.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://i162.photobucket.com
(code in one line)

Link titled

You may be confused, it is the title of discussion topics Headlines link titled? To clarify this discussion, please return to your blog page on this last point your mouse to writing business Recipes, try Leave briefly on the link, it does not appear long after writing my life I'd learn their own website, please click here. So now you may understand my purpose, so there is a link in a word to emphasize your invitation to readers to click on the link. To make the title of this link is very easy, that is, you only need to add the title = "..." on the link that you create. Examples like I gave above:

<a href="http://www.blablablcom/?id=blibli target="new" title="writing my life I'd learn their own website, please click here">Resep bisnis</a>

is not easy. Congratulations to try.

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