
How to Make Love Box and Marquee

1. Here Model Text Box area
Contohnya seperti kotak blog roll seperti punyaku itu, itu lho yg atasnya ada tulisanya "Friend links"
Nha begini cara membuatnya :
Pasang code berikut ini di kedalam element kamu (Page Elements --> Add a Gadget --> HTML /Javascript)

<div style="border: 1px solid rgb(153, 153, 153);
overflow: auto;
width: 200px;
height: 200px;
text-align: center; ">

#link1 <br />
#link2 <br />
#link3 <br />


- Code width: 200px; and height: 200px; is the size of the width and length of the box, you can change and adapt with it's size you like.
- Replace paper "link1 #, # link2, # link3 etc." with a list of links you, I also can be filled with banner links.
- If you list the link-sensitive and linked to the house have a row, then lose the code <br />

2. Love Box Model Marquee

This box is also able to accommodate many of the links in a narrow place. However, the blog roll is different, the above, because this box that does not have a rollbar (usually I've drawn the right age is surprisingly down). Keep the links on the contents of this box will move / walk, can be horizontal, vertical does. It all means I invented it:
Place the following code into the element you (Page Elements -> Add a gadget -> HTML / Javascript)

<MARQUEE align="center" direction="up" height="100" scrollamount= "2"

onmouseover='this.stop()' onmouseout='this.start()' width="95%" >

#link1 <br />
#link2 <br />
#link3 <br />
#link...<br />


- Code "up" that shows the direction of movement, you can replace it with down, left, right (I understand I mean, I do in a clear yes).
- If you replace it with horizontal movement (left does right) then removed the code <br />.
- The number "100" indicates a high from the blogroll you. The more the higher the figure the size blogroll.

As Tries OK ......

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