
The problem Read More

How do I remove the paper "Read More" if we are only a few posts?
Surely these questions often appear to some people who are trying to use tricks Read More Version 1 (I have not read? I have not read the first reading here), yes Tho? because I often get questions like that. Sure what do to overcome this problem?
After trying mengotak-atik script in the laboratory, I finally found a suitable formula to overcome this problem. I eight formula:
1. Login to bloggers, "but the menu select" Layout -> Edit HTML "
2. Ohya, Do not forget to backup first in the template you, I know how to?
3. I've a backup of love in the checkbox "Expand Widget Templates"
4. Save script over the following code

<script type='text/javascript' src='http://www.geocities.com/kendhin_x/Readmore.js' />

5.Search following the script

<div class='post-body'>

I do not try to find that there is

<div class='post-body entry-content'>

6. Why is change so that the script was like this

<div class='post-body' expr:id='"post-" + data:post.id'>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>

And underneath there is a script like this;


8. Put the script follows the script above

<style>#fullpost {display:none;}</style>
<span id='showlink'>
<p><a expr:href='data:post.url'>Read More......</a></p>
<script type='text/javascript'>checkFull("post-" + "<data:post.id/>")</script>

9. Overall the script will be like this:

<div class='post-body' expr:id='"post-" + data:post.id'>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
<style>#fullpost {display:none;}</style>
<span id='showlink'>
<p><a expr:href='data:post.url'>Read More......</a></p>
<script type='text/javascript'>checkFull("post-" + "<data:post.id/>")</script>

10. Continue to save your work.

The next step:

1. Go to the menu "Settings -> Formatting"
2. In the city down there with the "Post Templates"
3. For those who have never read the instruction more so in the box will be empty. but for the instruction "Read More Version 1" first writings such as this:

<span class="fullpost">


4. And would replace the now / the contents of the box with the following code:

<span id="fullpost">


5. Click the continue button "Save".

And time posting tabs select "HTML," If the sensitive text, "Read More" does not appear so clear this script:

<span id="fullpost">


whether you understand? sure?

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